Brochures from M+S Group

Here you can view and download brochures and other printed matter online.

Product range


Our product range for online view.

Image brochure


Our image brochure for online view.

Edge guards


Our standard program for edge protection profiles and edge protection sealing profiles.

Railway applications

Flexcomp Railway applications

FLEXCOMP High-performance Silicone elastomers for Railway applications.

Flexcomp flyer

FLEXCOMP Properties and possibilities of a high-performance material.


Our automotive brochure for online view.

Electrical industry

Our electrical industry brochure for online view.

Household appliances

Our household appliances brochure for online view.


Our catering brochure for online view.

Sanitation industry

Our sanitation industry brochure for online view.

Medical technology

Our medical technology brochure for online view.

Wrapping tubes

Our program for wrapping tubes.